Nova Pack Conseil logo
Nova Pack Conseil logo

Specialist in ecocontributions and EPR schemes

The Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) system is based on the "polluter pays" principle. The system implies that producers, distributors (own brand products), importers and marketplaces that put products generating waste on the market must take charge of their management from a financial point of view, either individually or collectively (through an eco-organization).

The AGEC law (Anti Wastage for a Circular Economy) has foreseen the opening of 11 new EPR channels between 2021 and 2025. The purpose of this new regulation is to extend the responsibility of manufacturers in terms of waste.

The consequence for producers is a significant increase in the cost of their eco-contributions. In addition, the complexity of the declarative systems that evolve each year makes the process extremely technical and time-consuming. In addition, if the declarations are not compliant and finalized in time, a financial penalty may be applied.

EPR déclaration system

several hands on a log
several hands on a log

A clear and legal contract ensuring security and confidentiality

Transparent communication

Responsive follow-up

Definition of the reporting scope

Study of the eligibility of your packaging for the various bonuses

Optimized declarations for more profit

Make your teams aware of the circular economy and its challenges

Creation of a detailed activity report according to your needs

Solutions tailored to your needs

Nova Pack's methods for a sustainable partnership



Regulations: QCE Decree

Regulatory audit

CSR strategy



Eligibility of your Ecomodulations

Supporting documents

Corrective declaration

In-depth audit

Process optimisation

Adaptation of databases

Calculation file

Control file









Sustainable packaging green
Sustainable packaging green

Consumers are increasingly committed to the environment. An eco-designed package will be an additional argument to motivate the purchase of your product.

It will also provide you with content for your communication and improve your brand image.

Eco-designing your packaging also means saving money.

Nova Pack Conseil will provide you with the right levers to reduce your household packaging contribution and finance your eco-design projects.

Eco-design has become a major challenge to face the challenges of the 21st century. The pollution of our environment, the sanitary nuisances and the increase of illegal dumps are problems that concern us all. All these examples are proof of poor management of our production and waste. Designing our packaging differently is therefore essential in order to preserve tomorrow.

Nova Pack Conseil support you in your steps of eco-designed packaging.

Cardboard packaging
Cardboard packaging

Eco-design means taking into account all aspects of packaging

All these parameters must be considered to reduce its environmental impact. The eco-design of a packaging means minimizing its carbon footprint over its entire life cycle without transferring its impact.



Level of recyclability


Why eco-design your packaging ?