Nova Pack Conseil logo
Nova Pack Conseil logo

Specialist in ecocontributions and EPR schemes


The ecocontribution,  also called eco taxe, is a financial compensation paid by the marketer to the approved eco-organization according to the type of product.

What is its purpose?

It allows for the collection, sorting, recovery and elimination of waste generated for an Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR) scheme. It also finances the development and innovation of recycling in France.

How are they paid?

The eco-contributions are paid to the eco-organizations in a periodic way. There is declaration for each type of waste generated. For example, producers must provide CITEO with their annual household packaging declaration.

Posting requirements

Some eco-participations have the obligation to be displayed at the selling price of the products. This is the case for furniture as well as household electrical and electronic equipment.

The different ecotaxes

 Household packaging 

 Batteries and accumulators 




 Graphic paper







Handicraft and garden items

Sport and Leisure article

Games and toys

Construction products and materials

 Catering packaging